Friday, May 22, 2009

The Gospel

First with Israel, then with the church, God has animated a people to enact his saving way of life as a prophetic witness against, and a hopeful alternative to, the destructive narratives of the surrounding world.

Right? Makes sense.

This is an excerpt from a blog on the Christianity Today website. The question is "Is our gospel too small?"

These elements weave together, the parts of this new gospel. First, that the gospel is about more than personal salvation. Second, that the cross is about more than purchasing that salvation; it instead declares God's final victory over evil. Third, that the primary problem with the world is that it has veered off in the wrong direction, that its "narratives" are flawed. My question for my readers would be, is this Biblical? What is the meaning of the atonement? What is the focus of the gospel? What is the problem with the world?


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