Sunday, July 27, 2008

At the Request of Tim Lin

The first time we went to the tourist market near the Church of the Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, they had nearly every football team and every basketball team represented. But when I searched for the best football team, unexpectedly no one seemed to have one. When I asked the attendant if they had any Patriots matrioshkas, she responded negatively. Apparently, they would get shipments in once a week, and the Patriots (by far the most popular, she said) would sell out in a few days.

So, in order to purchase this, I had to come back on the right day. And haggle a little. I got her down from 1200 rubles to a mere 700 rubles. But of course I still probably got ripped off. But it was almost our last day, and I needed to get rid of my rubles anyways.

I don't know why they had Stallworth in there. But Russians are completely uninterested in American Football.


Blogger TL said...

those are pretty sweet, but 700 rubles is still a lot o' rubles

10:08 PM

Blogger Emma said...

"Is anyone outside of America interested in American football?" -my Kiwi friend

1:20 PM


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