Friday, September 05, 2008


I am going to blog about politics a little bit.

I just re-read that sentence and threw up a little in my mouth.

1. Focus on the Family briefly had on their website a video with a guy talking about how he was praying for it to rain during Obama's open air speech at Invesco Field. It made him and every Christian involved in politics look like an idiot. I question the priorities of anyone who thinks the church should be concentrating its efforts on such an insignificant display of partisanship.

2. But do you want to know what political activist most blatantly claims to know what the Bible says about every political issue? That would be Jim Wallis. You should read his articles sometime; from them, you would think he has a direct policy line with God. Interestingly enough, the man who links his opinions on issues the strongest with the Bible is the one the left likes the most.

3. Moving into issues of hypocrisy, most Christians have been attacked for defending Sarah Palin with regard to her daughter's pregnancy. There is a very real lack of understanding here, which is credited to partisanship. If this was a Democrat, surely the right would be attacking the moral decadence of her daughter, and her failure as a parent. Right?

Yeah maybe. But it just shows how little the world understands grace, repentance, and forgiveness. Moral failure is not to be attacked absolutely, since "there is no one who does good, no one who seeks God."

4. That being said, Palin is a bad pick I think. She is inexperienced, she's got five kids, she's fought to get something like 260 million in earmarks for her city of 9000 people, and also, how the heck can she raise five kids and be vice-president? One of them is special needs! That women should be chilling at home taking care of her children, who need her. Am I right?

5. But I think I was still vote for McCain. If I needed any convincing, it was the anti-war protesters who somehow made their way into the Republican convention. They were so proud of themselves, as if they were some how making actual points rather than drawing attention to themselves. The earnest self-righteousness of the left makes me sick. Not that the right is much better, and I hate the conflation of politics and religion, the mixed-up-ness of it all.

And that is more forthright about politics than I have been in years.


Blogger Bentley said...

I'm writing Calvin Coolidge in.

Obama is "Pro third world starvation" and McCain thinks that "War is the answer" So I can't vote for either one.

5:18 PM


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