Sunday, August 03, 2008

Bidding Farewell to Tucson

I was hanging out with an old friend of mine the other day, a fellow who has recently moved to Tucson. His name is Chris Anderson, a like-minded soul who enjoys sitting at Starbucks, reading, and gently discussing this and that. He said something that made me unexpectedly happy.

See, we were walking down University Boulevard. I turned to him and said, "I love this street." He said, "I do too!"

Golly. Tucson has been my home now for about four years, long enough for me to want to defend against those lousy Californians who would deprecate it. I won't defend it at length now, because it will just bore you. Instead, I will just list some of my favorite spots...

1. University Starbucks

I was estimating today how many quiet times I have done there. I think it is close to 500. There have been two other spots where I have done quiet times consistently. Espresso Art is one, and Grant and Swan Starbucks is another.

2. Speaking of...Espresso Art

It began simply. I was taking a winter session class. None of my friends were in town. So I bought several books and began to spend every afternoon finishing my homework and reading. Espresso Art was a logical choice. Eventually I became so consistent that they posted a photo of me on the wall. Later, after Starbucks stole my affection, I returned to Espresso Art for hookah. Nothing will beat the memories that Eric, David, Matt and I shared there.

3. The porch of my house on University Blvd.

Remember the birth of story time here? Rich and I had many a good conversation here. I remember crying here one night, alone, not in pain but in joy. I remember reading all of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows here over the course of a hot summer afternoon.

4. The University of Arizona campus

Countless hours spent here, but the ones that stick out were spent praying on the second floor of Old Main. Then also, that hour on Saturday evenings when dusk settles in.

5. Bison Witches

According to their website, they actually have four locations: Tempe, Tucson, Oklahoma, and Nebraska. After my third trip I settled into a routine from which I never again wavered: Beef and Brie on Wheat, New England Clam Chowder, and a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips.

6. The Adam's house

These were my Tucson parents, who had me over for Sunday dinner almost every Sunday from spring of 2005 until summer of 2006. They were mentors and friends. And of course, their children, Jenn, Ben, and Sara are dear to me.

Maybe I will write more later.


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