Tuesday, June 02, 2009

On prayer

So...I created this Facebook group called "Committee for the Proper Use of the Word 'Just' in Prayer." I was expecting thousands of people to join in the first few days of its existence, perhaps get spotted by some trendspotters, and eventually get profiled in Christianity Today. But now, several days later, there are only four members.

I guess the world isn't ready to be boldly confronted on their annoying misuse of the word "just" while praying. Or perhaps, I am the only person (besides the three other people) who this annoys? Is anyone else out there even remotely bothered by it?

Example...Lord, I just want to say...

Or...Lord, we just want to ask you...

Usually, it is in the form of "I just want to say" or "just want to ask."

Now, the definition of "just" in this context is "only or merely." So what you are saying is, Lord, I only want to say... But of course, you then go on to say many other things.

How did this happen? Why do people use this word so much in their public prayer? I have several theories.

1. The Emergents-- Because of their atonement theories they are trying to water down the use of the word "just" in Christianity.

I'm totally kidding.

2. People who want to sound really sincere

I think this is probably it. Using "just" in that context seems designed to hammer home the prayer better...another definition of "just" is "actually, really, positively," as in "This day is just great!"

Does this not annoy anyone else? If it doesn't, I'll drop it posthaste.


Blogger Sam said...

Yes, I annoy myself when I do it.

9:38 PM

Blogger TL said...

i just want to say that it's annoying when people repeat "lord," and especially when they use it at the end of a sentence. and also just in pidgin is "jus." as in, "jus joke yeah?"

12:52 AM

Blogger loca said...

You're funny. So I have about 150 invites to things on FB... I am so behind I don't even know how to catch up. And I haven't ever noticed if people pray that way. I don't think the people I pray with on a regular basis.... or I am totally missing it.
I don't think how people pray is something to be annoyed with.... I don't think that's something that God would value in His ministry.
I do think,however, He wants us to buy American! :-)

6:17 AM

Blogger Krista said...

I just don't believe that you would just drop something posthaste just because others just don't agree with you. You're just not that kind of guy.

9:32 PM

Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

i don't know...i think that you can say someone praying is annoying just as easily as you can say someone talking is annoying. I like to think you can appreciate the message while still deploring the medium. Also. Could you explain a little bit more the buying American bit, dearest cuñada?

2:19 PM

Blogger loca said...

oh Jane you're so oppositional! J/K! The whole buy American was based on my blog... and it's just a big joke because of Steven's comment.
And I still don't think you should make fun of people's prayers!

6:14 PM

Blogger Mamita Betsy said...

Yes, it's normal to use "fillers" in conversation--a few years ago it was "you know" all the time. And I think we pick up the fillers the people we hang around with use. Here in Mexico everyone prays out loud at the same time.
On 'buying American' (actually a comment posted on antoher blog) and 'listening' some of us in my generation grew up with the belief that we should support business in our own communities and state and country. Growing up in Mich. we always bought American cars because our families were related to that industry in some way, either directly or indirectly. The economy was related to the major industries. So, the comment "it's st______ to buy American" really hits us hard--what we 'hear' is that WE are st______.

10:22 AM

Blogger Steven said...

Can we keep the discussions of buying American on the appropriate post, on adrienne's blog???

Perhaps buying American cars was important back in the day, but with the current integration of the world economy, it is unnecessary and unhelpful.

Listen to what I am actually saying, not to what you may hear behind it.

1:50 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Steven, it bugs me, too. Though, I confess I do it a lot. I usually bug myself when I do, though.

10:00 PM

Blogger John B said...

Steven I can't stand it when I or anyone else does that!

8:52 AM

Blogger richdawg said...

I have been thinking about "just" for a while. Luke pointed it out to me about 2 years ago. I have been conscience of not repeating words, and making lengthy prayers lately. Funny that you should point this out...

8:04 PM


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