Monday, July 20, 2009

False Christian Cliche of the Day

I hate religion but I love Jesus.

There is even a whole book, written by a fellow named Bruxy Cavey, called The End of Religion. His central point is that religion was like, what the Pharisees were doing man, and that Jesus was about tearing down those walls, or whatever.

I am not sure when this became such a big deal. At any rate, it is not true unless you redefine "religion" to mean "legalistic requirements to appease an unhappy God."

Jesus didn't hate religion, but submitted to the requirements placed upon him by God with regard to the proper worship of God. And so should we.

The problem is that religion can be false, like the imaginary rites and rituals of so many churches. So perhaps it would be more accurate to say, "I hate false religion, but I do submit to true religion as laid out for the church by Jesus and his apostles. In fact, I even love true religion."

Besides, the main reason for this professed hatred of religion is to make Christianity more palatable. It is not about religion, see, so you don't really have to make many changes to your life, and you certainly don't have to go to church!



Blogger Unknown said...

Good points. I think the next step is how can you tell the difference.

6:01 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

randomly reading your blog. thanks for your wisdom and willingness to be honest and blatant. it's been a while...looking forward to seeing you some day again :)

8:13 AM


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