Ten Reasons to do Initiative Evangelism
By initiative evangelism, I mean the type where you approach someone you do not know and communicate the content of the gospel to them. This is out of favor right now for many elaborate reasons that I won't discuss right now.
1. Initiative evangelism gives you a proficiency in communicating the gospel. As you practice sharing it, your facility in sharing it will increase.
2. Initiative evangelism preaches the gospel back to you. As you share it with others, you will be also reminding yourself.
3. Initiative evangelism is a discipline. It teaches you to speak the gospel no matter how you feel.
4. Initiative evangelism builds your faith. There is always risk involved in it.
5. Initiative evangelism builds your love. As you hear others and communicate the gospel to them, your heart will break for them.
6. Initiative evangelism increases the odds that you will communicate the gospel in the other pathways of your life. As you develop facility, confidence, and love, sharing the gospel will naturally spill out into other, "relational" contexts.
7. Initiative evangelism is refreshing. God comes forth in new intimacy as you risk with him, as you trust in him, and as you preach the marvelous truths of the gospel to others.
8. Initiative evangelism attacks worldliness and the desire for the approval of men.
9. Initiative evangelism produces a well-ordered life with God, increasing your prayer life, your love for the Scriptures, and your enjoyment of fellowship.
10. Initiative evangelism is commanded by God, exemplified in the lives of the apostles, the consistent action of the church in all generations, and ultimately the primary means through which God has always communicated truth. This last one is about five reasons wrapped into one.
Truth: If you are unwilling to do initiative evangelism regularly, you are unlikely to participate in evangelism in any context.
Exhortation: Start weekly habits of initiative evangelism.
i like this post, steven! thank you for sharing your thoughts. its good to hear people outside of campus crusade encourage this practice!
8:16 PM
Yeah, thanks for posting this! You don't hear people encouraging this much anymore. I really appreciate it and know from experience that you are right on!
3:56 PM
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