Monday, March 19, 2012

A short explanation for why I haven't been writing much lately...

First of all...All of the sudden my job got really quite busy. As it turns out, running a ministry that people actually attend is a big job. So this is good news, but leaves rather less time for blogging.

Second of all...I find I have less to say. That is not true, actually, since I am still bristling with opinions. But I think I need to say fewer of them. I want to use this to post some of the talks that I have been giving week by week, but don't ever seem to get around to it.

Third of all...I mostly want to write poetry on here, and poetry just kinda comes and goes for me.


Anonymous Tim said...

"Running a ministry that people actually attend is a big job." - a wonderful problem to have!

8:48 PM


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