Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My favorite part about this economic crisis is that the average American has absolutely no idea what is going on. In fact, not just the average American, but almost every American! Heck, I only have a dim idea of what's going on.

Isn't that great? There was an awesome line in The Onion today. They do these fake man on the street interviews where they ask people what they think of current issues. Well, they asked a man what he thought about the defeat of the bailout bill. Here is his response:

"Congress really let the American people down, or really stood up for them. Honest to god, I got no freakin' clue anymore."

That's kind of how most people feel right now, isn't it? I guess it is actually not that funny that we are in the midst of crisis that nobody understands. But good news...I am pretty sure that though this crisis is dire, that sovereignty yet reigns. Also, worse case scenario is a total breakdown of all society, resulting in a return to the basest animal instincts as the rule for life. There will probably be some excellent evangelism opportunities in the midst of that.

I'm only half joking.


Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

what does the economist say? still relentlessly optimistic?

3:33 PM

Blogger TL said...

it's not that bad. we only gained and lost market value equal to the entire size of india's economy in a couple days. i think we'll be aight.

4:54 PM

Blogger Krista said...

The fact that you only have a dim idea of what's going on makes me feel way better about the fact that I only have the faintest clue. And, I love your positive outlook in the midst of your worst-case scenario. Way to have an eternal perspective!

11:44 AM


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