Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rob Bell, my Hero

Not to beat a dead horse, but there is one more point I want to make, and it might be relevant (haha) coming right before our election.

Here is Rob Bell, from the same interview...

In your book you say, "To preserve prosperity at the expense of the powerless is to miss the heart of God." In what ways do you believe the church in America has "preserved prosperity" at others' expense?

The Church has missed the heart of God by speaking out against abortion while keeping silent about war. Both are forms of violence used to preserve prosperity. Abortion is prenatal war against the powerless child. War is postnatal abortion that destroys innocent life. The kingdom is life for the fetus and life for the civilian. The church embodies this life in a world of expedient and preemptive killing.


To be fair, I cut out half of his answer, in which he talks about not wanting to generalize.

Setting aside all issues of style and prose, let us analyze the comparison.

Abortion = prenatal war
War = postnatal abortion

Let's accept his comparison, which assumes that all wars are being fought for exclusively selfish purposes, to "preserve prosperity" as he puts it. I think this is a gross simplification, but it must be acknowledged that often times wars are unjust and fought for unjust means.

The Church should speak out against injustice.

His argument is that the Church has spoken out loudly against abortion, but has not spoken out against the war. This assumes that one specific war, Iraq, was fought exclusively to "preserve prosperity." Again, this is a vast simplification, and might not be true. And even if the motives of those who fought the war were indeed to "preserve prosperity," we should analyze the effect of the war on its own grounds.

I am not defending Iraq.

So, we should speak out against injustice. Presumably, we should speak out against injustice in proportion to the injustice that is being done, yes? Well, let's examine the injustice of the Iraq war in comparison with abortion, and decide where are priorities should be.

Number of civilian killed in the 5 and half years since the war began

~90,000 (according to the Iraq Body Count website, a liberal website, which I mention only to assure you that I am using the most extreme statistics I can find)

Number of abortions over the same five and half year period

~7,535,000 (in America alone)

Perhaps we should expand worldwide, since Barack Obama has said that one of his first acts as president would be to re-enact funding for abortions worldwide. President Bush's first act as president was to halt this funding.


What? Really?

So tell me, where should the church be raising its voice? Think about that, all you hip Christians, filing to the polls to vote for Barack Obama, and justifying it by the absurd equalities drawn by the good Mr. Bell. Let us speak out against war, injustice, etc! Yes! But please, please, don't think you can be coherent in your morals by supporting Obama BECAUSE HE IS AGAINST THE WAR. Even if it were entirely unjust war!

Whenever I read stuff like this from our emergents and their hangers ons, what I really hear is, "I want an excuse to vote like Democratic and not be a terrible Republican conservative stereotype like my uptight parents." Also, "maybe all my hipster friends that I'm incarnationally relating to will think I'm cool."


Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

I'm not in the habit of defending your main man Rob Bell, but I think that what he's trying to say here, no matter how poorly he articulates it, is that Christians should be encouraged to develop a consistently pro-life ethic. 90,000 is not a number to sneeze at, especially considering it is the number of deaths directly attributed to violence in Iraq, whereas deaths attributed to upheaval and disruption in basic services is easily 6 or 7 times that number.

Speaking solely to the election at hand, I think a lot of Christians feel that abortion is an emotionally charged issue that many politicians use as a manipulating tool. John McCain has a pro-life voting record that is ambivalent at best and contradictory at worst. He always includes the exception for the life of the mother and in cases of rape, and has frequently stated he would not repeal Roe v. Wade but would work on improving social services.

Evangelical Christians have been accused of caring for people up until they're born, which I think is an unfair criticism, but indicative of the single-issue voting that many Christians practice. Just because a candidate is Republican does not mean they are pro-life; and just because a candidate says they are pro-life does not mean they care enough to risk political capital in order to repeal Roe v. Wade.

12:10 AM

Blogger Bentley said...

Don't get me started on Mr. Bell. That said, you couldn't pay me enough to vote for either McCain or Obama. Actually you could. 1000 dollars is my price. Offer me that and I'll vote for anybody--even Ralph Nadar

4:09 AM

Blogger Sarah said...

"Number of abortions over the same five and half year period

~7,535,000 (in America alone)"

Our current president is pro-life and yet over seven million "reported" abortions took place under his term? hmmm...I think your question is a good one, "Do you believe that abortion is murder? Yes or No. If yes, then, what are you doing about it, really?" In eight years of having a pro-life leader we have witnessed over seven million abortions...hmmm

7:23 PM

Blogger Steven said...

Actually Sarah, those are based on 1996 numbers, and over 5 and half years, not all eight. Bush has done some things. His first act as president was to cut all international funding of abortion. And the two justices he appointed will be critical for the future of Roe V. Wade.

10:12 PM

Blogger Sarah said...

you were using 1996 numbers?

and i agree he has done some things...though, i'm not sure i would attribute our current decrease in abortions to him, since numbers were already steadily decreasing in the late 90s...anyway, that was just my thought...and, now, that is all

11:38 PM

Blogger Eric Cepin said...

Haven't had time to read the Crawford blogs of late, but I can see that my poor emergent buds are getting stomped on. Oh well, poor old Rob Bell is getting thrown under the bus again. Guess i'll have to go scrape off the dirt and thank him for his sacrifice and beg him to leave his Nooma video in trash can.

12:19 AM

Blogger Steven said...

Eric--you know the blogosphere is for representing only your most extreme opinions and thoughts! Jk...Rob Bell does annoy me at times, and those Nooma videos are not my favorite, but this is for venting, ok? No offense to you and your beautiful church that I love with all my heart!

10:52 PM


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