Sunday, March 22, 2009

Watch this...

And change. Don't clap along with it, or be inspired for short period of time. Remember that the preaching of the Word has convicting power.


Blogger sonrisa said...

I watched the video. It was good. Everything he said was true about the American church. David and I talk about that a lot... how we shouldn't fit in, but still love and what that might look like. Obviously this guys challenge was to people who call themselves Christians, but aren't friends of God in any form (John 15). The large problem in the US is that it is part of the culture to be a "Christian" but the actual fruit that a Christian would produce is so extremely different than those around us live... which is why the whole legalism thing is discussed.... but it isn't legalism is it, it's Truth. I am always going to be an advocate for love... but love changes... love is accepting people where they're at, but not allowing them to stay there... And love is essential, but so is truth...and once one decides to follow Christ that is so much more deep and asks so much more of us... a daily dying to self, and if you aren't willing to work through that then that's when the "tough love" picks up. :)I know I come across as a softy and a lover of all things post modern, but deep down I do have the same convictions and desires... and I also am in the field to truly love on people and encourage them... so the way that pastor spoke is good and true and tough... and it's not the way I would want to communicate (first of all because I am NOT good at speaking to the masses)but it is essential to get the message out to those who think they are walking in light, but are really quite far from it.
Anyway, this is more of a post then a comment. :)
I enjoyed listening to the sermon... oh and I didn't like his "altar call" at the end.... isn't that what he was preaching away from? But I hate altar calls...
Ok, I am done... :)

9:57 AM

Blogger Steven said...

Yeah, I was surprised at that too. But he might have been required to give one, since it was, after all, a Southern Baptist conference he was speaking at. Thanks for your thoughts Adrienne.

11:27 AM


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