Some links, with comments
Here is an article on Ted Haggard's new church in Colorado Springs. Key quote: "I over-repented." Absurd, sad, dangerous.
I also draw attention to his "proud" cussing. This is one of my least favorite things, the Christians who proudly cuss. It is really obnoxious.
Here is an interview about a band called Mosaic. I didn't read it beyond the assertion early on that the band is a Mosaic because of the different backgrounds of the six members. After checking the bands website, I found they were all white people, all from middle-class backgrounds, and mostly from the South. My favorite mosaics are monochrome! They should change their name to "The Bathroom Floor."
So basically, if he doesn't preach, he feels like a loser. He's enslaved to preaching, to prove his worth. Tragic.
7:26 PM
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