Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some links, with comments

Here is an article on Ted Haggard's new church in Colorado Springs. Key quote: "I over-repented." Absurd, sad, dangerous.

I also draw attention to his "proud" cussing. This is one of my least favorite things, the Christians who proudly cuss. It is really obnoxious.

Here is an interview about a band called Mosaic. I didn't read it beyond the assertion early on that the band is a Mosaic because of the different backgrounds of the six members. After checking the bands website, I found they were all white people, all from middle-class backgrounds, and mostly from the South. My favorite mosaics are monochrome! They should change their name to "The Bathroom Floor."


Blogger TL said...

So basically, if he doesn't preach, he feels like a loser. He's enslaved to preaching, to prove his worth. Tragic.

7:26 PM


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