Be careful wand'ring heart!
Be careful wand'ring heart!
Whole worlds cannot contain nor satisfy,
Insatiable she is and why?
The whole she wants, not part.
Be careful wand'ring heart!
By nature blind, restored in eyes but late,
And trained by empty years to sate,
Her hunger on but part
Be careful wand'ring heart!
The world deceives and pleasant empty lies,
Seem true when mixed with pleasure's cries,
They death alone impart,
Be careful wand'ring heart!
The mind cannot restrain what is not known,
And all to flatter self are prone,
Though hidden lurks sin's dart.
Be careful wand'ring heart!
Preserve her love by no work of your own
But work! You must protect your throne!
Her guard lest you depart.
This is amazing!
1:51 AM
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