Friday, December 07, 2007

Personal stuff

I was reading through some of my old journals, and found this entry, dating from December 31st, 2006...


Reflections, and Lessons from a difficult year

1. My sin and my capacity for self-deception is far deeper than I thought.
2. My will is extremely weak--mostly the work of circumstance and little surrendered to the Lord.
3. God is a gracious God, who answers prayers even when my sin is grievous.
4. There is a deep and abiding tenderness in God. His mercies are gentle and soothing.
5. Isolation is deadly. I have a great need for the body of Christ.
6. My preaching [by this I mean what I profess] is often far beyond my actions--a dangerous thing.
7. The word is a constant companion--teaching in all things.
8. It is I who is weak--God remains faithful and strong.


I thought it was interesting.


Blogger sonrisa said...

I completely identify with your personal thoughts.

8:58 AM


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