Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Election

Jane thinks that Michael Crichton was the greatest writer ever, even better than Thorton Wilder. I disagree, but only because I could never figure out how to pronounce his name. Here are my favorite books that I read by him:

1. Jurassic Park (awesome!)
2. The Lost World (still pretty awesome!)
3. Sphere
4. Jurassic Park 3
5. Timeline

If I were to rank him on a list of authors who wrote books about living dinosaurs, he would be number one, and Sir Arthur Conan Dolye would be third. Second place? Jules Verne.


Blogger Bentley said...

I was always partial to the Andromeda Strain

6:05 AM

Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

yeah, and I hated timeline. i just read it this summer for the first time and i don't think i even finished it.

8:14 AM


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