Thursday, September 09, 2010

Blog Re-instated

In an announcement which I'm sure will delight at least three of you, I am restarting my "Puritan Reader" blog (

The reason is that I am re-reading John Owen's Commentary on Hebrews, and I thought it would be a good discipline to exhaustively update my notes online. Plus, Don recommended that I work on a project during this year...he said I might find myself with some extra time and I should try and use it well.

I am sure those of you who want to read this amazing work but don't have the time or inclination to plow through five volumes of anachronisms and confusing syntax will be happy to read my "easy-to-read" version.


Blogger Unknown said...

title: Puritan Reader
subtitle: sparknotes of old white christian dudes

looking forward to reading your entries!

6:03 PM

Blogger sonrisa said...

Hey- I am reading Hebrews this year with Lindsay!

7:21 PM


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