Thursday, May 05, 2011


Restrained by form, not free except in how
The restraint itself liberates what now
Is seen as vast potential energy
Not seen but felt. Strange freedom that chains me
Constrains and trains me, slays me too now slain,
Living, once dead, once free, now caught, contain
What formerly was gone; now saved but spent
"This barrier once barred, by him now rent!"
Tearing heals and seeds when dropped must there lie
This restraint is pain, for who will comply
Not naturally, no, never not urging beyond the boundaries once set
Returns, by a skill only another can teach.

Stop in moments and consider this,
One short cannot buy anyone bliss,
It only breaks.

Poetry was meant to capture what cannot quite be seen.

And so return to form from constrained mind
And take what is and leave the rest behind,
Freedom is in a thing as it should be,
My shoulds and his, opposed, one victory:


Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

wow. amazing poem.

10:54 PM


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