Sunday, June 01, 2008

Some highlights

I am fund-raising right now. Need to raise a significant amount of new monthly support. My goal was to be fully fund-raised (fund-rose?) by the time I left for Russia, but that doesn't look likely at present.

So here are some thoughts from a silent month...

1. I'm so glad the Spurs lost. Do you know, I actually cheered for them to beat the Lakers back in 2003? And now every fiber of my being wanted to see them lose to the Lakers. Sports are so perverse sometimes.

2. Music.

3. If any people over 30 read this blog (including you my dear parents) would you recommend some books that you've read that you wish you'd read before thirty (or are glad you've read before age 30). I've got five years left until the old 30, so I thought I would get some reading done in the meantime.

4. I'm now the oldest unmarried cousin on my Mom's side. And they are all having babies. But I do heartily enjoy my new cousin-in-law. She's a great girl and a welcome addition to our family.

5. So you I've discovered that you remember only parts of fund-raising. For example, I remember the parts where I got letters from people with donations and pledges. I forgot the parts where I didn't get letters.

6. Faith in God must constantly be renewed. Yet is faithfulness is never changing.


Blogger Krista said...

I'm still praying that you'll be fully funded by Russia, and I will pray it right up until the day you leave; I don't care how unlikely it may seem.

And I thought you weren't paying attention to the NBA anymore...

11:08 PM

Blogger Mamita Betsy said...

I wish I had read, actually I mean studied, the Bible more like book by book. But once David came when I was almost 27 I was pretty busy reading to you guys--haha! For many of those years I read the One-Year Bible through each year, which I enjoyed. I used to read lots of books on spirituality, Henri Nouwen, etc. Now I like to read missionary biografies/autobiografies--esp. the books by Isobel Kuhn. Do you have any others?
I like Matthew Henry's commentary on the Bible.

7:18 PM

Blogger Eric Cepin said...

Jesus and the People of God - NT Wright
Barclay - Commentaries on the NT

Inside Out - Larry Crabb

Kittle Unabridged Theological Dictionary

The Gospel of John and Romans

3:09 PM


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