Sunday, November 16, 2008

On words

How about we never say things that we don't mean, or that we can't define. As in, as Christians, let's not say things that are obviously meaningless. If you say something, and someone says, what do you mean, and you can't answer him, game over.

For example, I ask guys sometimes what it means to live with Christ as the center of their lives. Those raised in the church will probably try to pawn of some bogus answer on me, something like "do everything for God's glory." So then I say, what does it mean to do something for God's glory. And then they start to sweat, because of course they don't know what the heck that means, and there is a good chance that the youth pastor who told them that probably doesn't have the greatest idea what it means either.

Platitudes, Jane told me, are the bane of literature. Well, for Christians, platitudes are more dangerous. They allow the uncircumcised heart to fit in well with the circumcised heart. They disguise unmortified sin, and obscure the hardened heart.

Therefore, I propose that you make no pronouncements on spiritual things without knowing what the heck you are saying. If you say grow in faith, then be able to define what that means, both to yourself and others. If you say live for Christ, then freaking be able to work that out in practice, or don't say it.

Words have to mean something, unless you want to be like those babblers Paul warns about in II Timothy...

Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.

Define your words, that we may know the thing behind them, that which God communicates in them, and therefore not be like those arguing and quarreling about this and that, or worse, wandering from the truth, tossed about by the waves of every false teaching and foolish opinion.


Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

here here.

9:32 PM

Blogger sonrisa said...

I agree with questioning people with what it means to "grow in the faith" or "live as Christ did" or "do it to God's glory." ...etc It is very helpful for me when I am asked to define what I makes me stop and think, "What do I mean? or What am I trying to say?" Often times I need to process these things out loud....which may mean saying spiritual things without knowing what I am talking about. So hopefully you'll give me some grace when I do. :)

11:21 AM

Blogger Steven said...

The goal is not that you only say exactly what you mean, but that you don't rest content in meaningless things, you know? Like the people who say, "live as Christ did," without knowing what it means, and don't bother to figure out what it means, but think that just saying that will somehow magically fix things.

So, yes, grace! I am often an external processor as well.

11:39 AM

Blogger sonrisa said...

I know what you meant. :) And I do totally agree. For some reason I felt like being oppositional.... So I guess our job in knowing this is true of so many Christians...we need to continue to ask eachother and ourselves what it looks like and what it means. We won't let them get away with it anymore!

4:16 AM


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