Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Fruits of True Repentance

Taken from II Corinthians vii.11:

The fruits of godly sorrow ("see what this godly sorrow has produced in you"), with Calvin's translation in parentheses.

1. Earnestness (carefulness)--

True repentance gives the sinner an earnestness to admit all and confess all. He leaves nothing hidden in his heart.

2. Eagerness to clear yourselves (excuse)--

Not to provide an excuse for sin, of course, but an eagerness to procure pardon, to lay hands on forgiveness. The repentant sinner seeks pardon with all his heart.

3. Indignation (indignation)--

How could I have so sinned against him who is my all, who has given me all, and who has spared nothing for me? How dare I rebel against the one who has shown me such patient love and tenderness?

4. Alarm (fear)--

Not a servile fear, nor a desperate alarm, but a new knowledge of the severity of God against sin that causes us to post anew watchmen over our hearts. This is the man once injured, who is loath to go again near the person who did him harm.

5. Longing (desire)--

I desire to please God again, as a son who is surprised at his father's mercy desires to show his father the love he returns to him.

6. Concern (zeal)--

A total commitment, a hatred of all half-hearted measures, the repentant sinner forswears them. He will spare nothing to fight the sin that laid him low. He burns for the honor of God to be shown in him.

7. Readiness to see justice done (revenge)--

A holy and joyous strictness that is rational, wise. What were the pathways of my previous sin? What hindered me? I shall flee from them and hate them.


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