Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Favorite Books of the Year

Unlike last year, I did not track all the books I read in 2010. I am not sure why. I intend to in 2011. So check back in one year to be horrified at how many science fiction books I read while pretending to read only history and theology and literature.

My best books of the year, in arbitrary categories that I just invented:

1. Best Science Fiction

The Algebraist by Iain M. Banks

Who would like it?

People who like science fiction, people who think the cloud layers of gas giants are fascinating, fans of space operas, my sister Jane probably.

2. Best New Fiction

Freedom by Jonathan Franzen

Who would like it?

Probably less than 1% of people who watch Oprah, pastors of hipster churches looking to make ultra-hip sermon examples, lovers of novels of Dickensian scope sans the absurd plot twists, lovers of well-written fiction in general, my sister Jane.

3. Best Collected Essays

Honoring the Written Word of God: Collected Shorter Writings by J.I. Packer

Who would like it?

Fans of J.I. Packer, lovers of God's word, people needing to give seminars on the trustworthiness of Scripture, few people.

4. Worst Science Fiction

The Third Lynx by Timothy Zahn

Who would like it?

Lovers of terrible plotting, clunky dialogue, ridiculous premises, and unmemorable characters; masochists.


Blogger Unknown said...

are you claiming to have invented the category "science fiction"? because Al Gore called and he wants his outrageous-claims-about-things-he-couldn't-possibly-have-invented shtick back :P

2:47 PM

Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

I AM enjoying Freedom! you know my tastes well. :)

2:21 PM

Blogger valbuss said...

I genuinely liked this post WAY better then your "look at how many books I can read" annual post.

5:19 PM

Blogger Steven said...

Ladies and gentlemen, the world's most back-handed compliment.

3:46 PM


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