Friday, April 13, 2007

Another Question

What are your three favorite days, not recurring days, but days of your life that you look back on with particular nostalgia? Here are mine.

1. When I lived in Burlington, Vermont...playing kickball in the morning...sandwiches in the park...picking blueberries...swimming for three hours in Lake Champlain...Brian Smith, Lori Bowman, Nate Forney...Dinner at a Sweet Water's...Deep conversation that night

2. Star Wars on the Imax with Ryan Dilisi...Walking back afterwards through Boston...Hanging out with Charlton and the Kellys...desert and cards on the top floor of the Prudential

3. Summer of 2004...Racketball with Matt...lunch with David and Caitlin...Champ's with Matt and David...cigars afterwards.

You get the idea. You have to think about this one. Don't pull out the stereotypical ones, but think of days when you felt a deep joy in fellowship with others.


Blogger sonrisa said...

sounds like some fun times!

5:43 AM

Blogger Mamita Betsy said...

I would have a hard time thinking of a perfect day, but I would say that one would be God and other-centered, when I have seen God transform a person's life, and He has let me see it, or even have a small part in it. Last Friday a woman walked up to the church looking for someone to pray with her, and José and I talked, listened, counseled and prayed with her--somehow God orchestrated it so that I was there in that moment to see Him work. The day felt different after that, like I had been in His Holy Presence somehow. Like that day had real eternal significance, especially if this dear young lady responds to the Savior's offer of life to her.

Now the perfect me-centered day would be somewhere with my journal, my Bible, maybe a good book--it could be outside in my backyard, or sitting on the dock at the cottage, or on the beach at Kino Bay, or even in an airport, and also with a mix of people I love (you all my dear children and husband, my extended family, good dear friends) there at intervals, also with a cup of tea and a scone, or a cup of coffee and a good pastry.
That's just two I guess!

10:27 AM


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