Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Here is a question...what if we elected a robot?

Think about it for a second.

Now, what if we elected a robot, on accident? Would that be worse? I think it would be far worse. Because, if we elected a robot, we would know what we were getting.

Obama, they say, is the candidate of change. And Hilary is the candidate of smart change. McCain, by contrast, is the candidate of no change. Except that he would probably change before our eyes into a robot.

But Obama could also be the real robot. After all, he was born in Hawaii, the state closest to Japan (actually, maybe Alaska is closer). In Japan, robots are replacing poor people as the servant of choice.

Tell me something else. If Hilary was running against McCain, who would you vote for, if I asked you to base your decision solely on the one least likely to turn into a robot once he/she entered the White House? It is not an easy choice. Here is how I break them down.

1. Hilary is a woman. Woman have children, and Hilary has had one child, whose name is Chelsea. Now, I figure a robot, even a female robot, would not be able to reproduce, because robots are made out of metal, or sometimes plastic. Also, a female robot would have to find a male robot to reproduce with, and if they were all disguised as people, it would be probably hard for her to find a male robot without revealing, on accident, that she was a robot. Unless, all robots had some sort of code programmed in.

2. On the other hand, if you were going to create a robot in order to get them elected, you would probably pick a war hero robot rather than a lady, because the odds would be much greater. So it would really show the power of faith if Hilary did turn out to be a robot, because her makers would be making history in more way than one. She would be the first woman-looking creature to get elected, and the first robot to get elected. Unless of course there have been robots elected in the past that we do not know about.

So that's my breakdown on all robot-related political issues.


Blogger Christy said...

I'll keep this in mind

7:01 AM

Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:03 AM

Blogger Juanis Chanis said...

ok so...what if we elected a president, and the president turned out not to be the person we had elected, but actually was an evil superhero who had gained the ability to morph into anyone they wanted to...that'd be interesting too...

8:04 AM

Blogger Bentley said...

happy year of the rat rat

6:27 PM

Blogger Caro Bella said...


8:22 PM

Blogger Bentley said...

sorry, I thought people truning 25 this year were rats, I think it's 24 though

4:38 AM


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