Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More on doubt

From a review of Blue Like Jazz:

About those doubts ("Every year or so I start pondering how silly the whole God thing is"), Miller writes this: "At the end of the day, when I am lying in bed and I know the chances of any of our theology being exactly right are a million to one, I need to know that God has things figured out, that if my math is wrong we are still going to be okay." At the end of the day, if many of us would be as honest as Miller, that's also what we have. And that, of course, is all we need.


This is where our Christianity is headed, towards a Holy Lack of Assurance--a unassurance of salvation. Do you see that it is a simple step from doubt of orthodoxy to heterodoxy? And it all comes from an attack on the perspicuity of the Word, or at least, a misunderstanding regarding the perspicuity of the Word. Is there indeed a "million to one" chance that "our theology" is correct? Do we all have our own theologies?

This is a profound misunderstanding of the role of the Word in our life. Donald Miller does not understand elementary things about the Word, namely, that God has communicated to us in a way that is understandable! We can receive from the Word a clarity that will safely guide us. His Word communicates! And this dude's book is on every other Christian's facebook profile under favorite books. And he doesn't understand the role the Word plays in our life! My conclusion is that most Christians don't understand either. Perhaps my prophecy is not so pessimistic, eh Jane?

For the record, she told me she was being facetious.

For the other record, I was to think that word was pronounced face-tious. Like face, followed by shuss.


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