Friday, March 02, 2007

An Idyll for the Misbegotten

In celebration of figuring out how to title my posts, I'm going to do a series of posts in which the titles feature some of my favorite titles of things of all time! If that doesn't confuse you, try watching Mulholland Drive. That will really confuse you. But it doesn't have an evocative title. And on second thought, don't watch it. Unless you have a remote control.

This title is from a George Crumb piece. George Crumb is known for writing beautiful scores. Not beautiful SOUNDING scores, mind you, but rather beautiful LOOKING scores. In fact, there have been art shows which just feature his scores. This particular piece is for two percussionists, two pianists, and a singer. I think. At any rate, I like the title. The piece, mmmm, not so much. I'm not a big George Crumb guy.


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