Hello, friends and family.
This is my Christmas list, for those of you with love in your hearts, and a bit of spare change in your pocket.
First of all....
1. Books.
--All of the books on my list can be found at the following website:
A) Works of Richard Sibbes
B) The Treasury of David...by C. H. Spurgeon
C) Exposition of Ephesians in 8 Volumes...By D. Maryyn Lloyd Jones
D) The Economy of the Covenants...Herman Witsius
They are in no particular order.
Of course, I would welcome books I have not read, especially if the giver has read them and greatly enjoyed them, and even more especially if they are science fiction.
And please, Jane, no girly books.
2. Clothes--
--Gift certificates to all major retailers are excepted, although I usually can't find much that fits me at the Gap. Here are some specifics.
A) Shoes-- of some sort. I am size 7 or so. Please let me pick them out, however.
B) On second thought, here are items I am in need of...
"Jeans, shorts, hoodie (no zipper), dressier pants, long-sleeved collared shirts"
My vitals--I am 30/30 on pants, and a small to xtra small on everything else.
3. Ummm..........notebooks. Very prosaic, I know, but a nice, college-ruled, fatty notebook (not a mini-journal type thing, I don't do well if it doesn't lay flat on its own) would be sweeteriffic.
4. That's really all I can think of. Clothes and books. There are some things, however, which I would prefer not to receive..........
1) DVDs. I am trying to cut back.
2) Music in the form of a CD. So late 90s.
3) New television series. I guess that falls under DVDs, but I made a committment not to get interested in any new television series.
4) Clothes not in my size.
Also, I love surprises and unexpected things. This list is mostly for my mother, who has too many people to buy gifts for to worry about getting a surprise, and whether I'll like it.
Thank you. I might continue to post stuff on here, since it seems to be the family trend. Please communicate with each other if you do buy something on my list, so that I don't get two copies of the complete works of Richard Sibbes.