Friday, November 23, 2007

Christmas List

Steven Crawford blog devotees will note that this was begun almost exactly a year ago, with the purpose of presenting my Christmas list in a format accessible by all my family members. This 2007 version is therefore, kind of a big deal. Not really.

This is for my parents, and for whichever one of my siblings drew my name. By the way, can you all make one of these, so that we can all know what you want?

1. Books...Here are some links to books that I really want.
A) These are the New International commentaries. I especially want Romans, John and Revelation.
B) This is the complete works of John Owen, minus his Hebrew commentary, which I already have.

C)Other, misc. books




2. Clothes--I like these. I could probably use another pair of jeans...and a pair of shoes.

3. A year's subscription to the Economist. I really, really would love this...

4. It is hard to think of things I really need right now. Maybe some sort of nicknacks?

Monday, November 19, 2007


I think Ryan still likes me. But he got mad at me for a small reason, it is a ridiculous and absurd story, which I would love to relate to whoever wants to know, but the fallout was that he stopped returning my calls. Drama!

I would love to get in contact with him again.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hello dear readers!

I write from my desk here at the MulletHouse, as per my usual habit. I thought I would list for you some facts about my life...

1. I recently watched the first season of Heroes, and decided that it was far superior to Lost, even though for a long time I passionately denied that it was any good. Then I watched it. Less pretentious, more human, less of a penchant for answering questions with more questions.

2. I just got back from a trip to Mexico in which I slept in a tent with my buddy Pat. I believe I snored, but Pat didn't care. In fact, in the middle of the night, one of the car alarms went off about five feet from our tent. It was so loud that I feared for my hearing! But Pat slept through it. So I guess my snoring was not a big issue for him.

3. When I was in Baltimore, circumstances required Dustin, Lori, Caitlin and I to all sleep in the same room. Before you are shocked, dear ones, remember that we gave them the pull out couch and Smush and I slept in the floor by the kitchen. I was the first to fall asleep, and imagine my chagrin when I discovered in the morning that my snoring had prevented both Caitlin and Dustin from sleeping. In fact, Caitlin had dragged a sleeping bag to the bathroom and turned on the fan!

4. Let it be known that this fact did not influence her decision to break up with me.

5. Let it also be known that Lori shared this story with her parents. Several days later, her dad managed to bring it up in front of a large group of people, one of whom included Jerry Bridges.

6. I look forward every year to Christmas blend. Is that weird? I feel like it may be. But every year I get excited for it. I will literally drive to a different Starbucks if one is out of it.

7. It is time for family dinner, so I had better wrap it up! Thanks for reading, and check back soon for more updates!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas plans

Here is the deal...if you guys agree to this, comment and let me know

1. We'll do a random selection of names at Thanksgiving, and have Dad and Mom let David and Adrienne who they picked.

2. Participants...David, Adrienne, Steven, Jane, and Mark. (Sorry Caroline...maybe once you hit high school. But think of it this way--you'll get a present from each of us instead of just one of us).

3. 50 dollar maximum. Post your Christmas lists on your blogs by the end of November.

What do you guys think?

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Things are good, my dear friends. I have been feeling your prayers.

God has been faithful, and I feel that I will probably move through my grief much quicker this time. I am still processing things, but I have a feeling that God is really going to free my heart through this.

Pray for continued repentance. In my pride, I could easy get bitter over perceived mistreatment. But I have a lot of respect for Caitlin and her faith, and I know that she was being obedient.

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord
He directs it like a watercourse wherever it goes.

I conclude from this Proverb that God was in control of the entire process, and I accept it from his hands.

Those are just some early thoughts on my grief. My family and friends have been awesome.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Some Sad News

Caitlin broke up with me today.

This is hard and sad news. It is unexpected. I am hurting.